wearethegames videos

WWF videos

WCW videos

ECW videos

Japan tapes

Best of/ comps

Wrestling TV tapes


Want list

DVD page

Guest Book Page

Wearethegame's wrestling videos

new new policy, now selling tapes from site.
Due to a difference of opinion with my fine friends at Ebay, I am no longer selling there. However, this has motivated me to use this site as my link to selling wrestling videos. I have a new pricing structure, that is listed below.

The price per event will be 5.00. This is negotiable if you buy, say, Raws, then we can work something out depending on how many you get. If you buy more than three events, then shipping is free. It is rather simple, and I am always willing to negotiate prices. Thanks.

I have broken my collection down into six sections, WWF, WCW, ECW, other, best of/ comps and japan. I will E-mail you the matches on whatever tape you want, all you have to do is ask, if you have any particular tape you are looking for, E-mail me at Wearethegame@aol.com, and I will try to locate it for you


I will trade
I am always searching for new tapes, I will trade one tape for one tape. I am looking for old WCW and ECW, and looking for compilations and independant stuff too.
contact me
updated August 9, 2001